Name Nikolaus A. Sifferlinger
Titel Dipl.-Ing., Dr. mont.
Date of birth 2. November 1961 in Wolfsberg
Adress Rotkogelstr. 21, A-9431 St. Stefan, Austria
Telefon & E-Mail +43 664 226 7940,
Maritual status married (Inge), two children born in 1990 (Ida) and 1992 (Nik Georg) now students
Religion none
1968–1976 Primary/Secondary School in Wolfsberg
1976–1980 Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium in Wolfsberg
1980/81 National Military Service in Vienna (Reserve Officer: Major d. Reserve, left Reserve organisation in 2006)
1981–1989 Technical University Graz: Diplom-Ingenieur in Electrics, Electronics and Telecommunication
1995 1995 Civil Engineering Licence for Electrical Engineering and Electronics
1991–2003 Various business training sessions with Austrian Industries, VAB, Tamrock and SANDVIK

Mining University of Leoben: PhD-Thesis in Mining Machinery “Product Safety of automated Mining and Tunnelling Machinery”; Thesis was published as book at Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, Germany in February 2009


SANDVIK „Fair Play“ and „Financial Training 1”


2008 Austrian Controler Institute “Efficient Controlling of Projects”


SMC CHAMP XII Change Management

Jop experience

with VOEST-ALPINE Bergtechnik since July 1989; 

Leader of R+D department “Automation” 1990-2006, this included regular customer and approval authority visits in USA, South Africa, Australia, China, India and Europe; travelling about 4 months per year;

Successful introduction of Automation to mining products;

1998 Managing Director of the joint venture VOEST ALPINE CONTROL SYSTEM in Sydney/Australia with task to dissolve the joint venture within this year and secure know-how;

2000-2001 SANDVIK MINING & CONSTRUCTION global Automation Competency Team Leader;

1 January 2007 – 31 December 2011 Vice-President R+D/E of Sandvik Mining and Construction G.m.b.H., Zeltweg, this includes engineering departments (total 100 engineers reporting) in Brier Hill, USA, Tychy, Poland and Hexham, Australia and global networking with customers, authorities and partners;

1 July 2012 starting own business (Ingenieurbüro Sifferlinger) as independent senior consultant to the global Industry


Industrial and naval history (author of several books), sailing, astronomy, studying economics, nature and cultures

Dipl.-Ing., Dr. mont. Nikolaus A. Sifferlinger